

EngineerVALERIA spol. s r. o. develops and offers out-of-the-box solutions for automation of production and technological processes in such industries as:

  • Electrical energy industry
  • Metallurgy and ore mining and processing
  • Atomic industry
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Building automation and housing and public utilities

One of these solutions is the automation of production, including a whole series of measures, particularly installation of an advanced and modern control systems for all the processes in the production of any type (ACS*, MES**). These systems facilitate optimization, precise planning and control of production, which contributes to greater profitability of an enterprise at all stages of activity (from receiving and processing orders to production output and sending it to the customer).

To optimize and efficiently manage fixed assets in production (EAM***), the company creates and provides partners with specific management and control systems as well as modernization of existing systems. Special flexible solutions for automation, control and monitoring of repair, preventive and diagnostic work are equally important for the development. Solutions offered by the company are based on the evaluation and analysis of the technical state of all production assets, including analysis of possible risks.

Management, Regulation and Control Systems

Main BuildingTo raise the effectiveness of the enterprise activity, connect all production sectors and processes, constant monitoring and control of all production sites is needed. For this, end-to-end control systems are developed based on AODCS systems – automated operational dispatching control systems. They contribute collection of general information by a dispatcher, its analysis and storing in control centers that allows responding quickly to any changes, plan and make predictions for the future bypassing possible risks to the enterprise as a whole.

At the present day, it is extremely important for any production to support all activities and manufacturing processes in power saving mode, which is quite difficult, as industrial processes, as a rule, are connected to the high consumption of electric energy. To avoid excessive consumption and reduce existing energy consumption, innovative solutions are developed and implemented for automation of power management system for all processes. Comprehensive automated management of all facilities and supply sources contributes significant reducing energy consumption and optimizing the planning of future energy efficiency of production.

Production HallASTUE systems contribute technical accounting of all the necessary energy resourcess with automatic control systems and efficient distribution of all energy sources, depending on consumption at each individual section of the production. Additional modernization solutions help provide redistribution of the processes from main production to auxiliary, which also enables significant savings and reduces unit costs.

With proper accounting and stock control, the production can also be greatly improved and the entire workflow can be controlled as a whole, facilitated by automated programs of technical documentation (tax accounting, administration, access management and control).

Technological Process Automation

To automate the technological process at the appropriate level, individual components of automatic process control systems are developed that make up the entire automated system. For this, in the first place software-hardware complex systems are created in accordance with current Russian and international standards.

To support all of integrated solutions for automation and optimization of enterprise activity in metallurgy and ore mining and processing, modern software products are used, and their implementation is accompanied by constant upgrading to meet changing requirements, operating conditions of enterprises and appearance of new software on the market.

  • * ACS – Automatic Control Systems
  • ** MES – Manufacturing Execution System
  • *** EAM – Enterprise Asset Management
Petvarols Valeria spol. s r. o.